Thursday, July 31

Bored To Death?

what is there to do in brunei? not a lot but good enough to keep us bruneians happy, but always we want more. i'm not here to talk about life in brunei but my life in brunei. i've been talking to people and yea i have problems. i don't know what to do when your in love when your not in love. we need LOVE, well i do at least. its very hard to be in a relationship, even harder to stay in one.

let me share a small experience of mine that has been going on for a year or so. i've been trying to say things to a girl which has been in me for a while now and trust me its not as easy as you say, trust me. i've been there and done that.

life is hard and we just keep moving on, i'm not a guy who usually takes risks but today i will. well to get on with the story or the "morale" is to take time and be patient in your relationship but not to long. you never know what your "soon to be partner" will say so, you just say it and hope it goes well. thats why we all take risks in our life. some are good and some are bad. what ever happens just move on.

take life one step at a time.
you don't always get what you want.

Sleeping Time.

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